Thursday 26 May 2011


I am a tiny snowflake falling slowly from a gray sky among others much larger than I. As I fall, I hear only the silence of a cold winter approaching. I see other snowflakes around me but they are nothing like me. We are distance apart. No wind to scatter us together. There is only gravity pulling us down in a straight line. I will soon be buried under thousands of other snowflakes following my path. My time is short and only consists of falling. But it is enough for me to see the world as it is. It may  be just a quick glance but this glance will be forever stained into my memory. It will live there until I melt and evaporate when the sun comes out from behind the clouds. I will once again be a tiny snowflake as I return to the sky above. When I fall slowly out of the sky again and I will see the world as I have never seen it before.


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